Welcome to Nuke's Demolition Page!
Here newbie demos will have access to learning all the ropes about becoming the best demolitionist they can be.
There will be files they are highly recommended for all demos. For example a beginners Configure file is on the site. (recommended for newbies.)
There are many of the most popular maps that will be accesible to any newbie no matter what class u are going to be.
Team Fortress goals:
One goal to becoming a proffesion Team Fortress(TF) player is, you always need to be a team player. No matter how much u want to go out on your own and frag the life out of the enemy defence u always need to communicate with your team. Therefore i have built a configure file which will help u learn to communicate with your team and keep up with your team's "status." First u have to learn the basics of becoming a god demolitionist. all the basic tutorials will be in there own seperate place for further information.
First off you have to learn your main weapons and how they will affect your game play. Please read the "Weapons" section below, it will majorly affect your gameplay when you start getting seriouse about your TF gameplay.
NEVER, I REPEAT NEVER get angry and shoot your mouth off. It is bad sportsmanship and TF is only a game. I mean what's the point of getting yourself into a stupid fight because you have a bad attitude when it comes to online gaming???
Anyway lets get into basic training! Read all the information carefully and then go use the tactics that u receive to become... hopefully one of the best, but if you're learning from me that may be hard to do.. anyway visit all the sections below to get a idea on what it is like to become a Demolitionist.